ramy  2021-03-13 07:33:23  金融科技 |   查看评论   
Joint Press Release of the 8th Round of
China-India Corps Commander Level Meeting
On November 6th, the 8th round of China-India Corps Commander Level Meeting was held in Chushul. The two sides had a candid, in-depth and constructive exchange of views on disengagement along the Line of Actual Control in the Western Sector of China-India border areas. Both sides agreed to earnestly implement the important consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries, ensure their frontline troops to exercise restraint and avoid misunderstanding and miscalculation. Both sides agreed to maintain dialogue and communication through military and diplomatic channels, and, taking forward the discussions at this meeting, push for the settlement of other outstanding issues, so as to jointly maintain peace and tranquility in the border areas. They also agreed to have another round of meeting soon.

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